WARNING: This ad has expired and is no longer valid as of October 18, 2020
Tenant-Based Voucher Waiting List Fulton County, Georgia
Tenant-Based Voucher Waiting List Fulton County, Georgia - The Housing Authority of Fulton County, Georgia (HAFC) is excited to open the Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List (commonly known as Section 8). The program provides rental assistance to eligible extremely low and low-income individuals and families. Applications will be accepted online at www.hafc.org. Tenant-Based Voucher Waiting List will open Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 12:01 AM and close Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 11:59 PM. HAFC will only accept 1,000 applications during the waiting list opening period. Applicants will be placed on the waiting list by preference(s), date, and time according to the HAFC Admin Plan. HAFC will notify the family first class mail when your application is selected from the waiting list. Requests for reasonable accommodations can be made by calling 404-588-4950. Reasonable accommodations will assist persons needing special assistance in completing the application due to disability and language translation services. Persons with hearing or speech disabilities using TDD / TTY technology may call Georgia Relay Services at 711 for assistance. The Housing Authority of Fulton County, Georgia ensures Equal Housing Opportunity for all and does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, religion, disability, national origin, familial status, or color. 10-11, 10-18/2020
October 11, 2020
October 18, 2020
October 18, 2020 8:10pm