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Early Notice and Public Review of A Proposed
Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard Floodplain To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals This is to give notice that The City of Atlanta under Part 58 has determined that the following proposed action under the Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and utilizing Moving to Work funds administered through The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (AH) is located in the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Floodplain, and The City of Atlanta will be identifying and evaluating practicable alternatives to locating the action in the floodplain and the potential impacts on the floodplain from the proposed action, as required by Executive Order 11988, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands. AH is proposing to redevelop AH's former Leila Valley public housing site with affordable housing and an urban farm. The redevelopment plans include a concept for the restoration and naturalization of the eastern bank of Federal Prison Creek which traces the western property line of the property. The restoration and naturalization will include removal of an existing concrete embankment wall, removal of an existing asphalt parking lot, and recontouring and replanting the stream bank to approximate natural conditions. Approximately 1.2 acres of the site are delineated on the FEMA map as being within the Regulatory Floodway, 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, and 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard. The proposed project is located at 2400 Leila Lane in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia. There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in floodplains and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information and request for public comment about floodplains can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks and impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk. Written comments must be received by The City of Atlanta at the following address on or before February 12, 2025: The City of Atlanta, Department of Grants and Community Development, Office of Entitlement and Competitive Compliance, 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Suite 3500, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 and (404) 330-6390, Attention: Deborah B. Lonon, Commissioner. A full description of the project may also be reviewed from 8:15am to 5pm EST at the address provided/listed. Comments or requests for the full description of the project may also be submitted via email at or 1-28-25
January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
January 28, 2025 8:10pm